HAMBURG, GERMANY / ACCESSWIRE / July 8, 2021 / In May 2021, Solvium Capital established a SICAV under Liechtenstein law to serve as an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) for institutional investors in the asset class infrastructure. The company plans to raise a minimum capital of 150 million Euros. A first sub-fund of 20 million Euros has already been established exclusively for a Swiss institutional investor.
The legal structure of an umbrella fund allows the establishment of several independent sub-funds. Sub-funds can be set up exclusively for individual investors from 10 million Euros upwards, CHF or USD; for co-investors, participation is possible from 1 million Euro upwards. The term of the sub-funds eligible for deposit is to be at least 5 years; of this, the first six months are planned as the period for investments. The interest payment will be around 4 percent with payouts semi-annually, and the investor is to be incentivized if the company's return exceeds the target return.
In the next step, Solvium Capital plans to offer investments in additional sub-funds to German pension funds, pension schemes and foundations. The asset class infrastructure (subclass transportation - logistics equipment) currently sees increasing demand as an alternative investment. Specifically, the SICAV or the sub-funds invest in the asset classes standard containers, swap bodies and railroad wagons.
As an additional assurance for investors, the SICAV structure provides legal ownership of the sub-fund in which the investment is made, if it is an individual investment. Propriety is the responsibility of the depositary, which has similar rights and obligations as a depositary for German AIF (Alternative Investment Funds). A Liechtenstein SICAV is an investment vehicle for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS). Since the Principality is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA), the Liechtenstein law also corresponds to the European fund law (European passport).
Solvium Capital Group is an internationally positioned and active asset manager in the logistics sector. The group of companies includes Axis Intermodal Deutschland GmbH, the largest rental company for swap bodies in Europe, the container manager Noble Container Leasing Ltd. with locations in Hong Kong, Singapore and Seoul, among others. The company is headed by managing directors Marc Schumann and André Wreth.
Andre Wreth, Solvium Capital GmbH, Germany, Englische Planke 2, D-20459 Hamburg. Fon +49 40 527 34 79 75 presse@solvium-capital.de www.solvium-capital.de
SOURCE: Fondswissen Beratung
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