DETROIT, Aug. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Metropolitan Detroit Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID) has announced that the 28th Annual Vehicle Displays & Interfaces symposium and exhibition will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28 and 29, 2021, in Livonia, Michigan, as a hybrid event (in person for people able to travel and remote/virtual for those who are not). The 2020 Vehicles & Interfaces event was held virtually due to the pandemic.
The annual symposium is designed for the sharing of information among designers, engineers, scientists, technologists, researchers, and system integrators of land, air, sea, and space vehicle displays and display components.
As displays of all kinds have become the primary user interface in vehicles, designers must continually elevate their products in terms of performance (sunlight and ruggedization), technology (augmented reality, including head-up displays), and general usability. Vehicle Displays & Interfaces has become the primary venue for information exchange among experts in the automotive display industry.
"We are back to in-person meetings, reviews, and networking," says Silviu Pala, chair of the Vehicles & Interfaces symposium and exhibition. "The event is returning to its open forum for industry, which will include manufacturers and integrators, as well as customers and members of academia, with a focus on vehicular interfaces, including HMI and automation. Of course, we will be respecting each other by wearing protective masks to help prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus."
The 2021 technical program features presentations from the global display, HMI, vehicle systems, photonics, academic, and vehicle OEM communities. Peer-reviewed papers will provide in-depth knowledge and insights on the latest scientific advances, most recent breakthroughs, and potentially revolutionary applications. Symposium session topics include New Display Solutions; Display Metrology; Touch HMI and Driver Interface; Projection and Head-Up Displays; and Materials, Films, and Coatings.
Other highlights include a keynote address from Kai-Han Chang and Thomas Seder of the Vehicle Systems Research Lab at General Motors Research and Development, who will address the topic of "Automotive Augmented Reality: User Experience and Enabling Technology."
The event's traditional special automotive market session will be chaired by Pala, who is from Automotive Display, and also by Michael Boyd from Yazaki North America. Expert market analysts who will speak include Kyle Davis of IHS Markit, Jennifer Colegrove of Touch Display Research, Inc., and Bob O'Brien of Display Supply Chain Consultants.
Also not to be missed is a panel discussion on Future Displays for Future Electric Vehicles, with participants from government, academia, and industry. Last but not least, there will be an exhibition featuring companies from the vehicle display industry, with a block of time dedicated to exhibitor presentations.
Note: In the interest of safety for all Vehicle Displays & Interfaces participants, event management will be observing health guidelines from the State of Michigan. All participants will be required to wear masks while attending event functions indoors.
To review the symposium program and exhibitor list, go to www.VehicleDisplay.org
To register, go to www.VehicleDisplay.org
To secure an exhibitor booth, contact Danielle Rocco at drocco@pcm411.com.
About SID Vehicle Displays & Interfaces Detroit Symposium and Exhibition:
Vehicle Displays & Interfaces is presented by the Metro-Detroit Chapter of SID (Society for Information Display) www.SID.org. By exclusively focusing on the advancement of electronic display and visual information technologies, SID provides a unique platform for industry collaboration, communication and training in all related technologies while showcasing the industry's best new products. The organization's members are professionals in the technical and business disciplines that relate to display research, design, manufacturing, applications, marketing and sales.