Aktia has prepared a climate strategy for the Group, which applies to wealth management, investments, lending and the Group's own activities. Aktia systematically invests in the development of its climate-related work through its climate strategy. The goal is carbon neutrality in the investment portfolios by 2050, the operating environment permitting. In lending, the goal is to decrease carbon emissions and exposure. When it comes to Aktia Group's own activities, the goal is, among other things, to achieve net carbon neutrality in the energy consumption of all rented premises by 2030.
The aim is to reduce emissions from lending by creating climate-friendly, responsible criteria in selected business sectors for 25 % of corporate loans by 2030 and for 50% by 2050. Additionally, the goal is to create climate-friendly, responsible criteria for 25% of the mortgages by 2030.
Aktia also aims for carbon neutrality in the investment portfolios by 2050. Institutional investors are increasingly interested in the climate impacts of their investments and the interest is also clearly increasing amongst other customer segments.
"During the beginning of the year, the carbon footprint of Aktia's equity funds have been on average 56% smaller than that of the reference market. This is a good starting point for the development of climate work in wealth management. By means of scenario analyses and climate objectives, we aim to ensure that our activities are in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement", says Markus Lindqvist, Director, Sustainability at Aktia.
In the next phase of the climate work, the objective is to specify the implementation plan, the intermediate objects and the emissions analysis for lending.
When it comes to Aktia's own activities, the goal is to achieve net carbon neutrality in the energy consumption of all premises by 2030 and of other significant sources of emissions by 2050 at the latest.
Aktia's climate work has already previously showed positive results. In recent years, Aktia has also improved its classification in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) comparison to class B. Aktia also joined the public TCFD support group in the spring and published its first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) review.
Further information:
Markus Lindqvist, Director, Sustainability, tel. +358 10 247 6846
Aktia is a Finnish asset manager, bank and life insurer that has been creating wealth and wellbeing from one generation to the next for 200 years. We serve our customers in digital channels everywhere and face-to-face in our offices in the Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Vaasa and Oulu regions. Our award-winning asset management business sells investment funds internationally. We employ approximately 900 people around Finland. Aktia's assets under management (AuM) 30 June 2021 amounted to EUR 15.6 billion and the balance sheet total was EUR 11.2 billion. Aktia's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (AKTIA). aktia.com