BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust Plc - Net Asset Value(s)
PR Newswire
London, September 14
NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK LATIN AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUST PLC UK9OG5Q0CYUDFGRX4151 The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust PLC at close of business on 13 September 2021 were: 563.98c per share (US cents) - Capital only 567.78c per share (US cents) - Including current year income 407.19p per share (pence sterling) Capital only 409.94p per share (pence sterling) - Including current year income Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. Following the Buyback of 20,000 ordinary shares on 24 May 2018, the Company now has 39,259,620 Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding 2,181,662 Ordinary Shares which are held in Treasury). 4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).
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