Daily-updated, comprehensive ESG data from RepRisk to enhance Sustainable Fitch ESG Ratings, evaluations, and analyses
Fitch Group, a global leader in financial information services, has launched its enhanced ESG offering, Sustainable Fitch, which will use data from RepRisk, a leading ESG data science firm combining machine learning and human intelligence to identify ESG risks. The insights and data derived from RepRisk's ESG Risk Platform, among data from other sources, will be used to enhance Sustainable Fitch's ESG Ratings, evaluations, and analyses on financial instruments, companies, industry sectors, and countries.
The RepRisk ESG Risk Platform is the world's largest and most comprehensive dataset on ESG risks covering 180,000 public and private companies across every sector and market and offers daily-updated, quantitative risk metrics and analytics as well as qualitative research for ESG integration and risk management processes. RepRisk data will enhance Sustainable Fitch's ESG Ratings, evaluations, and analyses of institutional and corporate issuers, thereby allowing investors and corporates to better understand their ESG risks and the corresponding credit materiality. This is fundamental in improving the risk management and decision-making processes for these businesses.
Andrew Steel, Head of Sustainable Fitch, said: "We're very pleased to partner with RepRisk for controversies data. Our ESG analysts will use their data to check for potential environmental and social controversies involving entities or projects which we are rating, including as part of our EU Green Bond standard alignment."
"RepRisk is excited to be a key ESG data partner for Sustainable Fitch RepRisk was born out of credit risk management almost two decades ago, so we're thrilled to be working together with a global leader in this area to strengthen ESG in credit risk analysis," said Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at RepRisk. "In this moment of heightened demand for more reliable, transparent, and rules-based ESG data, our risk-focused data that goes beyond company disclosures helps investors identify and assess material ESG risks that can lead to bottom-line financial, reputational, and compliance impacts for a company."
About RepRisk
Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Switzerland, RepRisk is a pioneer in ESG data science that leverages the combination of AI and machine learning with human intelligence to systematically analyze public information and identify material ESG risks. RepRisk's flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform, is the world's largest and most comprehensive due diligence database on ESG and business conduct risks, with expertise in 23 languages and coverage of 180,000+ public and private companies and 45,000+ infrastructure projects. For more than a decade, the world's leading financial institutions and corporations have trusted RepRisk for due diligence and risk management across their operations, business relationships, and investments. Find out more on reprisk.com.
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Gina Walser, Marketing and Communications