MILAN, Sept. 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- PQE Group is among the winners of the fourth edition of the "Best Managed Companies" Award, an initiative promoted by Deloitte Private to support and reward Italian business excellence - as part of the initiative supported by ELITE - the Borsa Italiana program for the development and growth of high-potential companies - from Confindustria and ALTIS Università Cattolica.
At the end of an in-depth, 6-month process of evaluating the self-assessment forms prepared by the participants and screened by experts from the multidisciplinary organization Deloitte, an independent jury made up of experts from the Italian institutional and academic world identified the winning companies. Some of them include Marta Texts, CEO of Elite; Fabio Antoldi, Full Professor of Business Strategy at ALTIS Catholic University; and Francesca Brunori, Director of Financial Affairs of Confindustria. The companies were evaluated based on six criteria: strategy, skills and innovation, commitment and corporate culture, governance and performance, internationalization and sustainability. The award ceremony took place on the evening of September 27 at Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan.
"We are honored to have received this award" - declares Gilda D'Incerti, CEO and founder of PQE Group - "because despite the difficult times caused by the pandemic, we have opened a new branch in France in Lyon and signed a dozen partnership agreements all over the world that will certainly be useful in the short term for the development of PQE Group on a global level. "This award - continues D'Incerti - also confirms that the processes we have put in place have been successful. An innovative organizational model, sustainability policies and the PQE Academy are just examples on how we focus our excellence on the most important asset for our business: our people. Usually - concludes D'Incerti - I look at the company's financial statements from not only an economic point of view, but also I measure the trend based on the number of employees I hire in a year. And, given the 350 new hires to date, I can be very satisfied.
"Congratulations to PQE Group for this important recognition" - declared Ernesto Lanzillo, Partner Deloitte and Deloitte Private Leader, and Andrea Restelli, Partner Deloitte and head of BMC - "Also this edition, like the last one on 2020, took place in a pandemic context, with significant and heterogeneous consequences on the activity of all Italian companies. The real differentiating element is represented by the fact that the awarded companies have shown a strong ability to adapt to the context and to react to both the pandemic and the economic crisis. In one word: resilience. An indispensable quality to focus on the goal of long-term growth, treasuring its founding values and adapting strategies and operating models to the new context."