The "The Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2020 The Patient Perspective Italy Edition: The Views of 113 Italian Patient Groups" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The results of an independent survey of 113 Italian patient groups in 2020. Collectively, these patient groups reached out to 56,500 Italian patients during 2020. The respondent Italian patient groups commented on 25 companies, selecting those with the "Best" corporate reputation in 2020, and assessing which were "Best" at tackling Covid-19 during 2020.
About the 2020 'Corporate Reputation' Survey
A survey of 133 Spanish patient groups
When? The survey was conducted in November 2020 February 2021, when key events of the pandemic will have influenced the opinions of respondent Spanish patient groups.
The questionnaire? Pharma was assessed across a wide range of its activities important to patients and patient groups, including a new indicator for 2020 pharma's effectiveness at tackling Covid-19.
Companies assessed? 25 companies were included in the 2020 Italy analyses: AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, GSK, Janssen, Menarini, Merck Co/MSD, Merck KGaA, Mylan, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Sandoz, Sanofi, Takeda/Shire, Teva.
How were the companies assessed?
The indicators used to measure a company's corporate reputation:
1. Covid-19 response [new for the 2020 survey]
2. Patient centricity
3. Patient information
4. Patient safety
5. High-quality products
6. i. Transparency: pricing
6. ii. Transparency: clinical-trial data
6. iii. Transparency: funding of external stakeholders
7. Integrity
8. Quality of relationships with patient groups
9. Providing services 'beyond the pill'
10.i. Engaging patients in research
10. ii. Engaging patients in the development
The pharma industry's effectiveness at tackling Covid-19, 2020. Only 51% of 2020's respondent Italian patient groups judged the industry's actions in tackling Covid-19 to be "Very effective" or "Effective" during 2020 (a lower figure than the 62% average from patient groups worldwide, and far lower than the highest figure reported in any country in Western Europe Spain's 86%, from 2020's respondent Spanish patient groups).
The pharma industry's corporate reputation in Italy, 2020. 56% of 2020's respondent Italian patient groups stated that the pharmaceutical industry had an "Excellent" or "Good" corporate reputation slightly lower than the 59% given by Italian patient groups responding in 2019.
However, even this slightly-lower figure of 56% still managed to place the pharma industry equal first for corporate reputation in Italy in 2020, alongside biotechnology companies, and slightly ahead of medical-device companies (54%), and retail pharmacists (50%). 2019's respondent Italian patient groups had also ranked the pharmaceutical industry first for corporate reputation in Italy.
Company rankings
Two sets of rankings are provided in the 2020 analyses: (1.) out of 25 pharma companies, and (2.) out of just 14 of the largest, multi-national, multi-therapy ('big-pharma') companies.
Response to Covid-19 in Italy, 2020
1. Out of 25 pharma companies: The three pharma companies voted "Best" in 2020 for helping Italian patients and patient groups during Covid-19 were: 1st, Roche, 2nd, Gilead Sciences, and, 3rd, Janssen as assessed by respondent Italian patient groups familiar with the company.
2. Out Of 14 'Big-Pharma' Companies: The Three 'Big-Pharma' Companies Voted "Best" In 2020 For Helping Italian Patients And Patient Groups During Covid-19 Were: 1st, Roche, 2nd, Janssen And, 3rd, Pfizer As Assessed By Respondent Italian Patient Groups Familiar With The Company.
Overall corporate reputation in Italy in 2020
1. Out of 25 pharma companies: The three pharma companies voted "Best" for overall corporate reputation in Italy in 2020 were: 1st, Roche, 2nd, Pfizer, and, 3rd, Novo Nordisk as assessed by respondent Italian patient groups familiar with the company.
2. Out of 14 'big-pharma' companies: The three 'big-pharma' companies voted "Best" in 2020 for overall corporate reputation in Italy in 2020 were: 1st, Roche, 2nd, Pfizer and, 3rd, Janssen as assessed by respondent Italian patient groups familiar with the company.
The commentaries supplied to the analyst by 2020's respondent Italian patient groups made clear that their opinions on pharma companies in 2020 were primarily influenced by company responses to Covid-19 whether that be development and production of vaccines, or (seen as particularly important by Italian patient groups) other efforts by companies to support Italian patients during lockdown.
Key Topics Covered:
- Executive summary
- Italian patient-group relationships with pharma
- Industry-wide findings
- The corporate-reputation rankings of 25 pharma companies, 2020 (v. 2019), as assessed by Italian patient groups familiar with the companies
- The corporate-reputation rankings of 5 pharma companies, 2020, as assessed by Italian patient groups that work/partner with the companies
- Profiles of the 25 companies, 2020 (v. 2019)
- Profiles of respondent Italian patient groups, 2020
- List of respondent Italian patient groups that wished to be attributed, 2020
- What respondent Italian patient groups say about pharma (and how the industry can improve), 2020/2021
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/9a7zo2
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211109005896/en/
Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager
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