From an investor's point of view, 2022 is much more challenging than 2021. Inflation flared up noticeably last year. The dimension was still quite manageable for market participants and growth-oriented investors, as the capital market interest rate remained in a minus interest rate scenario shaped by the central banks until the fall of 2021. Now, however, the tide has turned: In January, the U.S. Federal Reserve was confronted with an inflation rate of 7.5%, the highest rate of price increases since 1982. The markets reacted with shock and sent the ten-year U.S. Treasury rate above the magic 2% mark. It is now becoming much more expensive for all those seeking capital, but those who are now smelling spring air are the banks because the interest margin that had been out of sight for almost a decade is returning. The original banking business is back, and for the industry leader Deutsche Bank it is like a comeback to the premier league.Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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