Tabula ICAV - Closure Notice - Tabula Eur IG Perf Credit
PR Newswire
London, February 22
5 George's Dock
Dublin 1
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If you have sold or transferred your shares in Tabula European IG Performance Credit UCITS ETF (EUR), please pass this document at once to the purchaser or transferee or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected, for transmission to the purchaser or transferee as soon as possible.
Please note that this notice has not been reviewed by the Central Bank of Ireland (the "Central Bank").
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22ndFebruary 2022
Tabula ICAV (the "ICAV")
Tabula European IG Performance Credit UCITS ETF (EUR) (ISINs: IE00BG0J8M66 and IE00BG0J8L59) (the "Fund")
The directors of the ICAV (the "Directors") wish to inform you of their decision to close the Fund with effect from 14 March 2022 (the "Closure Date") for the reasons set out below.
Background to the Decision
The Directors have discretion under the ICAV's instrument of incorporation and the prospectus to redeem all of the shares of a sub-fund of the ICAV (the "Shares"). The Directors, in consultation with KBA Consulting Management Limited and Tabula Investment Management Limited (the "Investment Manager"), have reviewed the ICAV's sub-fund range and due to the size of the Fund and low levels of investor demand, have resolved to close the Fund in the best interests of shareholders.
Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the instrument of incorporation and the prospectus for the ICAV, the Directors hereby give notice of their intention to:
1. cancel the listing of the Fund and the right of the Fund to be traded on any relevant stock exchanges with effect from close of business on 10 March 2022; and
2. terminate the Fund with effect from 14 March 2022; and
3. proceed with the compulsory redemption of all outstanding Shares.
Proposed Timetable
Date | Event |
10 March 2022 | Final exchange trading date |
11 March 2022 | Final dealing date (voluntary) |
14 March 2022 | Mandatory redemption trade date (and Closure Date) |
25 March 2022 | Redemption settlement date |
Additional Information
Requests for repurchase or subscription for Shares may be made in the usual manner in accordance with the prospectus for the ICAV and the supplement for the Fund until 11 March 2022.
The following terms and conditions of the compulsory redemption of Shares shall apply as at the Closure Date:
1. the Fund shall be terminated and the repurchase price for each class of Shares will be determined by reference to the Net Asset Value of the respective class of Shares as of the Closure Date. The costs in relation to the termination will be borne by the Investment Manager;
2. no repurchase charge will be applied;
3. the repurchase proceeds will be paid in the relevant share class currency;
4. the payment of the repurchase proceeds resulting from the compulsory repurchase will take place on or around 25 March 2022; and
5. following the payment of the repurchase proceeds in respect of the Fund, application will be made to the Central Bank of Ireland for the withdrawal of approval of the Fund.
Shareholders may obtain the prospectus, a copy of the supplement, the key investor information documents, the latest annual and semi-annual reports and copies of the instrument of incorporation free of charge from the registered office of the ICAV or the local representatives in the countries where the ICAV is registered and where applicable on the website of the ICAV -
Shareholders should consult their own professional advisers as to the specific tax implications of the termination under the laws of the countries of their nationality, residence, domicile or incorporation.
All capitalised terms used in this notice shall bear the same meaning as the capitalised and defined terms used in the prospectus of the ICAV and in the supplement of the Fund.
If you have any queries arising from this notice, please call the Investment Manager on +44 20 3909 4700 or contact us at
Yours sincerely
For and on behalf of
Tabula ICAV
An open-ended umbrella Irish collective asset-management vehicle with segregated liability between sub-funds formed in Ireland under the Irish Collective Asset-Management Vehicles Act 2015.
Directors: Barry Harrington, Feargal Dempsey, David Schnautz (German), Michael John Lytle (American), Franco Mancini (Italian)
Registered in Ireland. Registration No: C174472
Registered Office: as above