COPENHAGEN, DK / ACCESSWIRE / April 27, 2022 / Linkfire (STO:LINKFI)
The annual general meeting of Linkfire A/S was held today at the company's headquarters Artillerivej 86, 3. th, 2300 Copenhagen. At the meeting, the shareholders approved;
- the audited annual report and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2021;
- the appropriation of the loss as recorded in the approved annual report;
- discharge of liability to members of the board of directors and the executive management;
- the remuneration report for the financial year 2021; and
- issuance of warrants to the new board members, Petra von Rohr and Ole Larsen.
The shareholders approved the proposals from the nomination committee regarding;
- re-election of Jesper Eigen Møller as chairman of the board of directors and Thomas Weilby Knudsen and Charlotte Klinge as members of the board of directors as well as the election of the new board members Petra von Rohr and Ole Larsen. Thomas Rudbeck has asked not to be re-elected.
Petra Von Rohr (Master of Science, Stockholm School of Economics), is the CEO of Biocool AB and is a member of the board of directors for Better Collective A/S and WeBrock Ventures. Further, Ole Larsen (Master of Science, Copenhagen Business School) is the CEO of nuso ApS and is the chairman of the board of directors for Rikke Gravengaard Copenhagen A/S.
The previous positions of the new board members include;
Ole Larsen
2018 - 2021, BioPorto CFO
2008 - 2018 Bavarian Nordic, Executive Vice President & CFO
2004 - 2008 Nordisk Film, CFO
Petra von Rohr
2015 - 2019 Com Hem AB, Head of Group Communications and IR, member of group management team
2012-2015 Kreab, Deputy Managing Partner and Head of Financial Communications
2009-2012 Burson-Marsteller, CEO Sweden, member of European leadership team - remuneration to the board of directors for the current financial year; and
- re-appointment of Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnersselskab and the remuneration to Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnersselskab.
The shareholders further approved the proposals from the board of directors to:
- authorize the board of directors to increase the company's share capital without pre-emption rights for the existing shareholders;
- authorize the board of directors to acquire treasury shares; and
- authorize the board of directors to issue warrants to the company's key employees, consultants and members of executive board.
Board of directors of Linkfire A/S
For further information, please contact:
Hans Christian Wenzelsen, General Counsel
Telephone: +45 51 98 48 09
Certified Adviser
Aktieinvest FK AB
Telephone: +46 739 49 62 50
Decisions of the annual general meeting of Linkfire A/S
SOURCE: Linkfire
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