Fungible Storage Cluster Certified for VMware vSphere to Support High Performance VM Systems
Fungible Inc., the dynamic composable infrastructure company, today announced a new release of Fungible Storage Cluster (FSC) 4.1, providing support for VMware vSphere environments requiring high-performance.
Virtual machines provide unparalleled flexibility in managing complex and changing compute environments. Workloads running in virtualized environments can have varied storage requirements. For demanding workloads, Fungible's high-performance all-flash array based on NVMe/TCP is now certified for vSphere and available for VMware virtualized environments. The latest release (4.1) will now enable customers to experience the superior manageability of vSphere combined with the high performance of Fungible's Storage Cluster.
"NVMe/TCP enables vSphere customers to accelerate their storage performance while leveraging existing investments and lowering complexity," said Marc Fleischmann, Cloud CTO, VMware, "Through collaboration with innovative companies such as Fungible, VMware continues to build a world-class ecosystem of technology partners that offer our customers flexibility and choice to meet their business requirements."
Customers can plug FSC storage into their ESXi servers with NVMe/TCP and get what appears to be local storage. The resulting performance is nearly identical to local storage even though it is a shared resource providing economic benefits to match the performance benefits.
"VMware vSphere is the virtualization infrastructure of choice for a variety of mission-critical, performance-sensitive workloads in the data center," said Eric Burgener, Research Vice President, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms and Technologies at IDC. "As IT organizations deploy more workloads that require accelerated compute and storage, the use of composable, disaggregated infrastructure (CDI) like that available from Fungible will be deployed more often to enable the more efficient use of these types of resources in VMware environments. IDC expects that the CDI market overall will top $4.8 billion by 2025."
"VMware has long led the drive to improve flexibility and utilization of data center infrastructure. Now with the latest release of our vSphere certified Fungible Storage Cluster, VMware users can further enhance their ability to tune demanding workloads to get the utmost performance and flexibility," said Pradeep Sindhu, Co-Founder and CDO of Fungible. "Trade-offs of flexibility versus performance are no longer required. Pairing VMware with NVMe/TCP for storage access with our DPU-powered Storage Cluster allows VMware customers to address the performance requirements of today's modern applications."
With FSC, vSphere users may also see storage cost savings since FSC's erasure coding provides robust data protection which can be less expensive than traditional RF1 or RF2 replication. Additionally, Fungible's composable data infrastructure provides flexibility to compose storage to meet current needs and recompose it to adapt to changing needs providing outstanding investment protection.
To learn more about the new FSC 4.1 and the VMware vSphere certification and how you can get more value and performance from your VMware vSphere resources click here or contact sales@fungible.com.
About Fungible:
Silicon Valley-based Fungible, the world's premier dynamic composable infrastructure company, creates solutions to cloudify the world's data centers by utilizing the Fungible DPU to connect CPUs, GPUs, and storage via NVMe/TCP over standard IP/Ethernet networks. Fungible aims to revolutionize the performance, economics, reliability and security of scale-out data centers. Visit Fungible to learn more. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Fungible and Fungible FSC are registered trademarks of Fungible, Inc. VMware and vSphere are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States, and other jurisdictions. This article may contain hyperlinks to non-VMware websites that are created and maintained by third parties who are solely responsible for the content on such websites.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220607005155/en/
Jennifer Bell
Fungible, Inc.
(669) 292-5522