Press release Sainte-Marie, June 9, 2022, 10:30
Dividend of €0.24 per share, i.e. a yield of 6.2%*, approved by the Combined General Meeting.
Eric Wuillai, CBo Territoria's CEO, has expressed his confidence in the Group's development and has set a target of €430 million in economic assets in the tertiary sector by year-end 2025, up 43% from year-end 2021.
All resolutions were passed by a large majority of the votes cast.
CBo Territoria has announced that all resolutions submitted to the Combined General Meeting of June 8, 2022 were approved by a large majority.
The regular Shareholders' Meeting was well attended with 682 shareholders present or represented or voting by mail, totaling 38.93% of the shares entitled to vote and 35 shareholders present at the meeting.
The special Shareholders' Meeting recorded the attendance of 686 shareholders present or represented or voting by mail, totaling 39.02% of shares with voting rights and 35 shareholders present at the meeting.
The Meeting agreed to pay a dividend of €0.24 gross per share, representing a yield of 6.2%*. The dividend will be detached on June 14 and paid in cash on June 16.
The Shareholders' Meeting also reappointed EXA and DELOITTE ET ASSOCIES as statutory auditors for a period of six financial years, i.e. until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2028 to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2027
The Meeting decided to extend the terms of Mr. Éric WUILLAI and Mr. Guy Dupont as directors for another three years. Similarly, the meeting decided to appoint Mrs. Joséphine LELONG-CHAUSSIER as director for a four-year term, succeeding Mrs. Sophie MALARME-LECLOUX, and the company TOLEFI, in the context of its capital increase last January, replacing Mrs. Guillemette GUILBAUD. The meeting also confirmed Mr. Jean-Marc HEYNDERICKX's non-renewal and non-replacement as a director. Following the non-replacement of Mr. Philippe Diricq, who resigned, the Board of Directors now consists of eight members, half of whom are independent and half of whom are women
The meeting also approved all resolutions concerning corporate officer compensation and renewed financial delegations.
CBo Territoria's board of directors renewed Mr. Eric Wuillai's term as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for one year at the end of the shareholders' meeting, which will expire at the end of the shareholders' meeting held to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2022.
The 2021 Annual Report, which was distributed to shareholders present at this General Meeting, can be accessed via the website www.cboterritoria.com. (Finance / Shareholders' Area / Downloadable Documents / Annual Reports).
Eric Wuillai, Chairman and CEO of CBo Territoria, used this Combined General Meeting to reaffirm his belief in the Group's development prospects, which are supported by a pipeline of new commercial assets and a strong order book in Development. It should be noted that CBo Territoria's new strategic plan announces a target of €430 million in economic tertiary assets by 2025, representing a 43% increase over 2021..
* Based on an average share price of €3.86, calculated between June 1 and 7, 2022
Forthcoming financial calendar publication
First-half 2022 revenues: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 (after trading)
About CBo Territoria
Leading property developer and planner in Reunion Island and Mayotte, CBo Territoria is a real estate operator listed on Euronext C (FR0010193979, CBOT), and eligible for the PEA PME (Leveraged Share Savings Plan for the SME).
The Group has been in the Top 10 (compartment C) of the Gaïa Index for 5 years for its ESG approach and relies on best practices for its governance.
Owner of 2950 hectares, the Group aims mostly to become a multi-regional Tertiary Property company, whose development is co-funded by its promotional activity.
INVESTOR RELATIONS TEAM Caroline Clapier Administrative and Financial Manager direction@cboterritoria.com | PARIS MEDIA RELATIONS TEAM dmorin@capvalue.fr | REUNION MEDIA RELATIONS TEAM Nathalie Cassam Sulliman ncassam@cboterritoria.com |
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