Toni Jaramilla Filed Cases Against Target for Allegedly Forcing Employees To Cover Losses After the Retailer Wrongly Accused Them of Theft.
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 25, 2022 / Attorney Toni Jaramilla files employment rights and civil rights lawsuits against TARGET CORPORATION ("Target") and its agents with the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, for allegedly coercing its employees to "confess" to theft and dishonesty when discrepancies arise, rather than investigate if the issue was due to human error as opposed to intentional acts.
In the case of Sierra Vidal v. Target Corporation, et al. (Case No. 21STCV45710), Sierra, a 21-year old college student and woman of color, was allegedly wrongly accused of theft and directed to write a statement admitting to this conduct and to apologize to corporate, according to court documents. Documents further state that based on the alleged threat of criminal and civil charges, she wrote the statement and was then fired with $54 deducted from her final paycheck. Less than one month after her termination, she received collection letters from attorneys represented by Target for varying amounts in restitution and civil damages.
In the case of Aaliyah Shepherd v. Target Corporation, et al. (Case No. 21STCV45424), Aaliyah, a young woman of color, was allegedly bullied and intimidated by threatening criminal prosecution for theft, based on some unknown customer transaction she had allegedly performed while acting as cashier, according to court documents.
Allegedly Aaliyah did not confess initially, and local police were requested, placing her in handcuffs, court documents state. She allegedly felt she had no choice and agreed to sign a false statement that "confessed" to the theft and agreed to repay $59.78, the original amount she was accused of stealing, according to documents. Approximately two months later, she received collection letters from attorneys represented by Target for restitution and civil damages.
"I suspect these practices are occurring more frequently than publicized, especially given that both of my clients reached out with very similar stories despite them working in different Targets in different cities in Los Angeles County," said the plaintiffs' civil rights attorney, Toni Jaramilla.
About Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation
Toni Jaramilla is committed to achieving the best possible results for employees who have experienced discrimination in the workplace and for victims of civil rights violations. Serving clients throughout Los Angeles, her focus is on achieving positive social change for workers and targets of police abuse and racial injustice. Through zealous and ethical advocacy, lawyers at the firm have built a reputation for excellence in the practice of employment and labor law and civil rights. For more information, please call (310) 551-3020, or visit www.jaramilla.com. The office is located at 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90067.
SOURCE: Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation
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