Karelian Diamond Resources Plc - Holding(s) in Company
PR Newswire
London, April 4
4 April 2023
Karelian Diamond Resources plc
("Karelian Diamonds" or the "Company")
Holdings in Company
Karelian Diamonds (AIM: KDR) announces that it was informed on 3 April 2023 that, as at 28 March 2023, Morgan Stanley had a total interest in 3,300,296 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") equivalent to 3.91 per cent. of the current issued share capital and voting rights of the Company, held on behalf of its subsidiary, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc.
In addition, on 4 April 2023 the Company was informed that Steve Coomber's shareholding in the Company is 7,613,116 Ordinary Shares equivalent to 9.01 per cent. of the current issued share capital and voting rights of the Company.
For further information please contact:
Karelian Diamond Resources plc | Tel: +353-1-479-6180 |
Professor Richard Conroy, Chairman | |
Allenby Capital Limited (Nomad) | Tel: +44-20-3328-5656 |
Nick Athanas/Nick Harriss | |
First Equity Limited (Broker) | Tel: +44-20-7330-1883 |
Jason Robertson | |
Lothbury Financial Services | Tel: +44-20-3290-0707 |
Michael Padley | |
Hall Communications | Tel: +353-1-660-9377 |
Don Hall | |
Visit the Company website at: www.kareliandiamondresources.com |