Tallinn, 2023-04-20 08:30 CEST -- The annual general meeting of shareholders of J.Molner AS (registry code 16579077, seat Akadeemia tee 21/5, 12618, Tallinn ) ('Company') was held on 19.04.2023 from 15:00 at Akadeemia tee 21/5, 12618, Tallinn. The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the annual general meeting was determined as at 7 (seven) days before the general meeting, i.e. on 12.04.2023, at the end of the business day of the settlement system of Nasdaq CSD. The Company has 617 shareholders who own the total of 1,686,001 shares. Altogether 4 shareholders of the Company participated at the annual general meeting of the shareholders, the shares held by them represented 1,600,003 votes i.e. 94,90% of all the votes represented by shares. Therefore, the annual general meeting had quorum and was competent to adopt resolutions. The agenda of the annual general meeting was the following: 1. Approval of the Company's annual report for financial year 2022. 2. Decision on covering the Company's losses in financial year 2022. 3. Election of the Company's auditor. The annual general meeting adopted the following resolutions with respect to the above agenda items: 1. Approve the annual report of the Company for financial year 2022 as presented to the general meeting. 1,600,002 votes i.e. 100% of the votes participating at the annual general meeting were in favour of the resolution, one vote remained impartial (0%). 1. Direct the loss of the Company for the reporting year in the sum of 143,268 euros to the accumulated loss of previous periods and cover the loss at the expense of profit from future periods. 1,600,002 votes i.e. 100% of the votes participating at the annual general meeting were in favour of the resolution, one vote remained impartial (0%). 1. Elect for the period 2023-2025 the sworn auditor Tarmo Rahkama (personal identification code: 38405110265) from auditing company Grant Thornton Baltic OÜ (registry code 10384467) to act as the Company's auditor. 1,600,002 votes i.e. 100% of the votes participating at the annual general meeting were in favour of the resolution, one vote remained impartial (0%). For additional information please contact Jason Grenfell-Gardner J.Molner AS Member of the management board Tel: +372 536 00 346 E-mail: jason@jmolner.com
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