Regulatory News:
Vitura (Paris:VTR):
Key information
- €12.7 million in IFRS rental income in first-quarter 2023
- 100% of rents and charges collected
- 3,000 sq.m signed and more than 5,000 sq.m in exclusivity
- Continuation of repositioning programs
Unaudited figures.
Strong sales momentum around sustainable urban campuses
In the first quarter of 2023, operating momentum continued with 3,000 sq.m signed and the entry in exclusivity of more than 5,000 sq.m. The portfolio in operation occupancy rate was 80% at March 31, 2023, compared with 81% at December 31, 2022.
Vitura is successfully pursuing the repositioning strategy of its assets to incorporate changing uses and new ways of working. The construction work of building C of the Arcs de Seine building are completed. The creation of an 800 sq.m space dedicated to sports, wellness and coworking is particularly appreciated by the tenants. The renovation of Rives de Bercy will offer users a wide variety of inspiring spaces by first-quarter 2024, including 6,000 sq.m of garden at the heart of the user experience. This project has also been driven by the aim of reducing the property's carbon footprint, thanks to the materials selected. An analysis of each material's life cycle is carried out and some of them are sourced from the circular economy. These developments contribute to the positive environmental performance of Vitura's assets.
Vitura's IFRS rental income amounted to €12.7 million as of March 31, 2023, stable compared to the previous period (€12.6 million excluding the 2022 rent for Rives de Bercy and €13.5 million including it).
Continued implementation of CSR commitments
Sustainable development has been one of Vitura's core values since it was founded in 2006. The Company reported its ESG performance when it published its 2022 Universal Registration Document. On the climate front, Vitura is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 54% between 2013 and 2030. In 2022, emissions were down by 40%1
Alongside its efforts to reduce its emissions, Vitura voluntarily offsets its greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the GoodPlanet Foundation, an organization led by Yann Arthus-Bertrand that works to develop environmental projects. In 2022, Vitura offset 100% of the residual greenhouse gas emissions from its headquarters.
The Group is also committed to using renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions at its properties. Currently, 12% of the energy used by buildings in operation is renewable, with a target of 32% expected to be achieved by 2024 by connecting the Hanami Campus to Rueil-Malmaison's heating network.
Finally, in terms of energy efficiency, Vitura is committed to reducing its final energy consumption by 40% between 2013 and 2030, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of France's eco-energy scheme for tertiary buildings. In 2022, Vitura had already achieved a 32% reduction.
May 2023 distribution
At the General Shareholders' Meeting held on May 10, 2023, Vitura's shareholders approved all resolutions, including a dividend payout capped at the level of the distribution obligations for listed real estate investment companies in France (SIICs), i.e., €3.5 million, to pursue its investment policy of redeveloping recently acquired assets and continue to optimize its financial flexibility.
The ex-dividend date will be May 23, and the dividend will be paid on May 25.
Investor Calendar
- May 23, 2023: Ex-dividend date
- May 25, 2023: Dividend payment date
- July 26, 2023: First-half 2023 results
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About Vitura
Created in 2006, Vitura is a listed real estate company ("SIIC") that invests in prime office properties in Paris and Greater Paris. The total value of the portfolio was estimated at €1,506 million at December 31, 2022 (excluding transfer duties).
Thanks to its strong commitment to sustainable development, Vitura was named Global Sector Leader in the most recent Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark's (GRESB) listed office property companies category and received two Gold Awards from the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) for the quality and transparency of its financial and non-financial reporting.
Vitura is a REIT listed on Euronext Paris since 2006, in compartment B (ISIN: FR0010309096). The Company had a market capitalization of €255 million at May 10, 2023.
Visit our website to find out more: www.vitura.fr
1 Figures adjusted for climate variability in 2022. Calculation made using carbon data as reported for assets in operation in 2022 and 2013, in kgCO2eq/sq.m.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230511005382/en/
For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations
Charlotte de Laroche
+33 1 42 25 76 38
Media relations
Aliénor Miens
+33 6 64 32 81 75