Regulatory News:
ORPEA filed, today, its 2022 Universal Registration Document (document d'enregistrement universel) with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers ("AMF").
The 2022 Universal Registration Document, filed in xHTML version, is made available to the public under the conditions provided for by the regulations in force.
It includes:
- the annual financial report including the 2022 management report and ORPEA's individual accounts and the Group's consolidated financial statements;
- the declaration of extra-financial performance;
- the report of the Board of Directors on Corporate Governance;
- the Statutory Auditors' reports.
The 2022 Universal Registration Document provides up-to-date information, including on pages 283 to 288, on the current situation and outlook of the Group.
The 2022 Universal Registration Document is available (in French) on the website of the AMF (www.amf-france.org) and on the Company's website www.orpea-group.com, Section Publications Universal Registration Document.
It can also be sent by e-mail upon request sent to financegroupe@orpea.net; it is available free of charge and upon request at the ORPEA headquarters, Investor Relations Department, 12 rue Jean Jaurès 92800 Puteaux.
An English version will be available on the Company's website without undue delay.
ORPEA is a leading global player, expert in providing care for all types of frailty. The Group operates in 21 countries and covers three core businesses: care for the elderly (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, homecare and services), post-acute and rehabilitation care and mental health care (specialized clinics). It has more than 76,000 employees and welcomes more than 267,000 patients and residents each year.
ORPEA is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN: FR0000184798) and is a member of the SBF 120, MSCI Small Cap Europe and CAC Mid 60 indices.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230607005829/en/
Investor Relations
Benoit Lesieur
Investor Relations Manager
Toll-free number for shareholders:
0 805 480 480
Investor Relations
Dusan Oresansky
Tel: 01 44 71 94 94
Press Relations
Isabelle Herrier-Naufle
Press Relations Director
Tel: 07 70 29 53 74
Charlotte Le Barbier // Laurence Heilbronn
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