WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - WhatsApp has introduced two new updates aimed at enhancing user privacy and security. The new features, Silence Unknown Callers and Privacy Checkup, provide users with more control over their incoming calls .
Silence Unknown Callers screens out spam, scams, and calls from unknown numbers, ensuring increased protection for users. While these calls will not ring on users' phones, they will be visible in the Call list, allowing users to identify important calls that may have been screened out.
The Privacy Checkup feature offers users a step-by-step guide to important privacy settings. By accessing the Privacy settings and starting the checkup, users can navigate through multiple privacy layers that enhance the security of their messages, calls, and personal information. This feature consolidates privacy options into a single, user-friendly resource, empowering users to choose the level of protection that suits their needs.
As part of their efforts to promote privacy awareness, WhatsApp is encouraging individuals to check in securely with friends and loved ones via private messages, emphasizing the significance of having a secure environment for personal conversations.
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