Rosenbauer: The Rosenbauer Group, manufacturer of firefighting equipment, generated revenues of € 460.5 million in the first half of 2023 (1-6/2022: € 429.7 million). This is 7.2% higher than the previous year. The reasons for this include a changed product mix and price adjustments, with further delays in the delivery of chassis. At the same time, in the second quarter, the Group made up for the backlogs and negative impact of the recent cyber attack. As a result, the operating turnaround was achieved and the first six months of the year closed with EBITDA of € 15.1 million (1-6/2022: € -8.8 million) and EBIT of € 0.7 million (1-6/2022: € -23.2 million) thanks to significantly higher gross profit and lower structural costs (research and ...Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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