Build American Buy American (BABA) suppliers are limited for government projects seeking their share of federal Infrastructure Act funding. American Powered Pumps is announcing its pumps are BABA-compliant to takers of federal infrastructure funding.
ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 27, 2023 / The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law by President Biden, requires that entities and government bodies that utilize funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act must use BABA-compliant suppliers. The Build America Buy America Act, enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021, established a domestic content procurement preference for all Federal financial assistance obligated for infrastructure projects after May 14, 2022. The domestic content procurement preference requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in covered infrastructure projects be produced in the United States. There seems to be a shortage of such suppliers as municipalities and government entities are seeking waivers through public notices to exempt them from using BABA-compliant suppliers.
American Powered Pumps, a company started and majority owned by Trisha Patel, a woman entrepreneur from Orlando, FL, is making it known that her company is a BABA-compliant supplier. There is indeed an option to procure American pumps for government agencies and municipalities who would like to benefit from the historic investments in infrastructure but must meet the requirements intended by the legislation.
"In our business of manufacturing industrial pumps, a BABA-compliant supplier would be required to purchase American milled steel with a certificate of origin tied back to the United States and perform the machining of pumps with American labor, which ultimately gives companies like us a fair chance to compete on a level playing field against Mexican and other lower cost suppliers, which have been taking away from industry in the United States for decades. We're selling pumps worldwide, so why not supply our very own municipalities? We warmly welcome the honor to serve our communities," says Trisha Patel, Chairwoman of American Powered Pumps.
American Powered Pumps, an industrial pump manufacturer specializing in various industries ranging from agriculture, energy, water, infrastructure, construction, and defense, is equipped to manufacture the type of equipment needed for these projects, all while creating American jobs. The company can manufacture low-cost pumps through its factories located in India. Still, it has now forged partnerships in the United States to utilize American-milled steel and American labor to machine and test the pumps at facilities in the United States.
"We are seeing unprecedented levels of new business inquiries due to our ability to legally comply with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act's Build American Buy American requirements. This incentive allows money to be put back into the hands of American workers and companies. It's just so important that these federal funds circle their way back into our communities, as this was the intent of Congress and the President surrounding this legislation," says Blake Corley, Chief Government Relations Officer and in-house counsel to American Powered Pumps.
Trisha Patel, who has been raising four young girls on her own, founded the company post-COVID to help fill the demand she saw for supplying industrial pumps caused by supply chain backlogs. The company has grown its sales and is now making a name for itself in the infrastructure space. The company's administrative office is currently located in Boca Raton, FL, but plans are underway for a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the Orlando area. For further sales inquiries, please get in touch with sales@americanpoweredpumps.com.
Contact Information
Mary-Patricia Wray
Owner, Top Drawer Strategies
SOURCE: American Powered Pumps