WARSAW (dpa-AFX) - Poland's consumer price inflation eased to the lowest level in more than two years in December, the latest data from Statistics Poland showed on Monday.
The consumer price index climbed 6.2 percent year-over-year in December, slower than the 6.6 percent stable rate of rise in November. That was slightly above the 6.1 percent rise seen in the flash data published on January 5.
Further, this was the weakest inflation rate since September 2021, when prices had risen 5.9 percent.
The annual price growth in food and non-alcoholic beverages eased to 6.0 percent in December from 7.3 percent in the prior month.
Similarly, prices for clothing and footwear increased at a slower pace of 3.3 percent versus 4.7 percent growth a month ago. Meanwhile, transport charges dropped further by 2.8 percent.
On a monthly basis, consumer prices edged up 0.1 percent in December after rising 0.7 percent in November, as estimated.
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