WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning customers not to purchase and use tianeptine products as it adversely affects the health of users and in some cases, even leads to death.
The agency had earlier issued a warning in November about the tianeptine products, including those sold under the name Neptune's Fix. However, it re-issued the warning after receiving a letter from a group of lawyers stating that, 'We believe that more action on tianeptine use is needed to ensure the health and well-being of the American people.'
Tianeptine, which is often dubbed 'gas station heroin', is used as an anti-depressant in Europe, Asia and Latin America. However, as it is not approved for use in America, it is usually sold illegally online or at gas stations, the agency said.
Further, the FDA said, 'In the US, tianeptine products are often marketed as dietary supplements that can improve brain function and treat conditions including anxiety, depression, pain and opioid use disorder.'
Side effects of the antidepressant may include agitation, drowsiness, confusion, sweating, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, slowed or stopped breathing, coma, seizures, loss of consciousness and death.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the clinical effects of tianeptine abuse and withdrawal can mimic those of opioid toxicity and withdrawal.
The FDA has been actively looking into the tianeptine-related cases since 2015. Last year, the agency had reported 15 cases related to the drug.
Maggie Maloney, a spokesperson for America's Poison Centers said that nearly 400 'human exposures' involving tianeptine were reported to the U.S. poison centers in 2023.
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