WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Elon Musk has shared updates about his neurotechnology company Neuralink's first patient, claiming that things were looking positive and that further results would be reported later this week.
In an interview with Fab TV, Musk revealed his optimism by saying, 'I'm hopeful by the end of this week that we'll be able to report that the first Neuralink patient is able to control a phone and a computer.'
Last month, Musk posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Neuralink's first patient had successfully received the company's implant and was recovering well. He added, 'Initial results show promising neuron spike detection'. However, further details about the patient were not disclosed.
The implant 'enables control of your phone or computer and through them almost any device, just by thinking. Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal,' Musk explained in the post.
The trial is a part of Neuralink's study called 'Precise Robotically Implanted Brain-Computer Interface' or 'PRIME', which aims to test the safety and functionality of the implant device, the company stated.
Neuralink, founded in 2016 by Musk and several scientists and engineers, has been working towards connecting the brain to a computer with the help of the company's first implant device called 'Telepathy', which is the size of a large coin. The device is designed to be implanted in the skull, with ultra-thin wires connecting it with a region of the brain that controls movement intention.
The device installed by a robot, will then record and send brain signals to an app, giving people the ability to control a computer cursor or keyboard with their thoughts.
In September, the tech company had started recruiting human candidates with quadriplegia due to cervical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for the trial, after receiving a clearance from FDA in May.
In 2021, Neuralink had released a video featuring Pager, a nine-year-old Macaque, playing Pong with his mind.
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