ERP Advisors Group closed out 2023 by outlining the REAL expectations surrounding an ERP go-live and began 2024 by recapping major ERP headlines and revealing their ERP vendor predictions for the upcoming year.
LAKEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / March 6, 2024 / Shawn Windle, Founder and Managing Principal of ERP Advisors Group, and ERP industry analyst, Rebekah McCabe, outlined the real expectations to have during an ERP go-live, the major ERP headlines in 2023, and their 2024 ERP vendor predictions.
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Shawn Windle summarized the importance of communication within an ERP implementation by stating, "The only way to mitigate risks is to have clear communication across the entire implementation team. There must be agreement between all team members and agreement that everyone is on the same page." In addition, Windle expressed the value of caring for your team by saying, "The more friendly you are with your internal team leads and the external team leads, the more willing they are to communicate and share with you what's really happening." Regardless of the system being implemented, it is vital to set clear expectations for your ERP implementation at each phase. Without defined expectations and communication among your team, you may be setting up your ERP go-live for failure.
Software vendors, in turn, are expanding their technology offerings to improve their customers' decision-making experience and deliver more value-added functionality. Rebekah McCabe expanded this trend by adding, "Software Vendors have been embedding AI, machine learning, and large language models (LLMs) into their solutions but now with enhanced data management, customers are leveraging their data across multiple systems to make real, insightful business decisions." Mr. Windle continued evaluating vendor trends by predicting, "2024 is going to be an investment year from a technology development perspective. The software vendors have gotten their basic AI strategies in place so now they can deliver real business solutions to their customers." As vendors enhance their technology stacks and hone their strategies, customers can expect to drive even more value from their ERP applications.
What to REALLY Expect Before, During, and After Your ERP Go-Live: https://www.erpadvisorsgroup.com/blog/what-to-really-expect-before-during-and-after-your-erp-go-live
2024 ERP Trends and Predictions Part 1: Year in Review: https://www.erpadvisorsgroup.com/blog/erp-trends-and-predictions-part-1-year-in-review
ERP Trends and Predictions Part 2: 2024 Predictions: https://www.erpadvisorsgroup.com/blog/erp-trends-and-predictions-part-2-2024-predictions
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About ERP Advisors Group
ERP Advisors Group is one of the world's most trusted enterprise software advisory firms, helping hundreds of organizations purchase the right enterprise software solutions to meet their unique needs. ERP Advisors Group is technology independent, with a proven track record of successful software selections that lead to successful go-lives.
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Contact Information
Erica Windle
Principal, Operations
SOURCE: ERP Advisors Group
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