WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Doctors from the City of Hope Hospital in Orange County found that the youth population of the area is being diagnosed with cancer at an alarming rate.
According to the National Cancer Institute's data, Orange County is leading the South California region with the most number of cancer cases among people under the age of 50.
Last year alone, 18 percent of cancer patients in the county were less than 50 years old.
'This observation that we're seeing of younger people being diagnosed with cancer at earlier ages is a growing epidemic that we are observing in the clinic,' Dr. Edward Kim, physician-in-chief, said.
The oncologists of the hospital found that most of the cases were of breast, colon and lung cancer.
'Cancer, especially colon cancer, is not a disease of the elderly anymore,' Dr Kim said. 'It's happening to more and more young people.'
The doctors claimed that the increase in cancer cases was due to lifestyle choices and diet. They recommended that younger people should make appointments and get screenings routinely.
'If we see the trend that we're seeing right now of people under 50 being diagnosed with colon cancer, by 2030 it will be a leading cause of death in young adults in the U.S.,' Dr Kim warned.
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