General Meeting on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 am at the registered office to deliberate on the following agenda:
Under the authority of the General Meeting acting under the quorum and majority conditions of an Ordinary General Meeting:
- Reading of the management report of the Board of Directors including the group management report and feedback on the conclusion of agreements referred to in article L.441-7 of the amended law of August 10, 1915, for the financial year ended December 31, 2023;
- Reading of the report of the approved statutory auditor on the 2023 annual accounts, the group's consolidated financial statements, and on the execution of its mission;
- Approval of the statutory accounts as of December 31, 2023;
- Approval of the consolidated accounts as of December 31, 2023;
- Allocation of the statutory exercise results as of December 31, 2023;
- Discharge to the directors for their management for the financial year 2023;
- Renewal of Mr. Jacques Mottard's director term;
- Renewal of Mr. François-Régis Ory's director term;
- Renewal of Mr. Frédéric Goosse's director term;
- Renewal of Mr. Nicolas Mottard's director term;
- Renewal of Mrs. Antonella Michelino's director term;
- Report on the remuneration awarded to the directors during the financial year 2023;
- Approval of the remuneration policy;
- Approval of the annual remuneration of the directors;
- Discharge to the approved statutory auditor for its mission for the financial year 2023;
- Renewal of the term of the approved statutory auditor;
- Powers for formalities.
Any shareholder, regardless of the number of shares owned, has the right to participate in the General Meetings, to be represented by proxy, or to vote by correspondence.
For information:
The documents and information that must be communicated to the General Meeting as well as the unique vote by correspondence and proxy form) and at the registered office during an uninterrupted period starting the day of the publication of this notice and ending the day after the General Meeting. Each shareholder upon production of their title may obtain a free copy of the documents under the applicable legal conditions.
Addition of items to the agenda and the right to submit resolution proposals:
One or more shareholders holding together at least 5% of the company's share capital have the right to add new items to the agenda of the General Meeting and/or propose resolution projects concerning items already included or to be included in the agenda.
Such a request must be made in writing and addressed to the Company either by postal mail) for receipt no later than April 6, 2024.
The request must include either) on April 24, 2024.
The Chief Executive Officer will vote in accordance with the instructions given by the shareholder in the aforementioned Unique Form. If no voting instruction is given in the aforementioned Unique Form, the Chief Executive Officer will vote in favor of the resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors on the agenda.
The above-mentioned standard form is available on the company's website.
Shareholders who wish to revoke a Unique Form already sent to the Company can do so at any time by delivering another completed, dated, and signed form with a later date at the latest on April 24, 2024.
This notice shall serve as a notice of convocation unless any modifications are made to the agenda following requests for the inclusion of resolution proposals submitted by shareholders.
Luxembourg, March 28, 2024
For the Board of Directors
The President
- Sword Group_Notice Of Convocation GM 29 APRIL 2024 FV (https://ml-eu.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/94930fd0-2055-4047-827b-69139499a2cc)