WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Eating more than a dozen fortified eggs a week did not affect the cholesterol levels in adults aged 50 or more, according to a new study to be presented at the American College of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Sessions in Atlanta.
Under the study, data from 140 adults who had heart disease or at least two risk factors for developing heart disease, following either an egg-free diet or a diet of eating more than 12 fortified eggs each week, was analyzed.
Upon monitoring the participants' cholesterol levels at the beginning of the trial and after four months, researchers concluded that there were no significant changes in the levels of HDL or good cholesterol, and LDL or bad cholesterol between these groups, suggesting that eating more than 12 fortified eggs a week did not have any negative effects on cholesterol levels.
The study's lead author Nina Nouhravesh noted that the fortified eggs were used for the study because they contain a good amount of vitamins D, B and E, omega- fatty acids, iodine along with lower saturated fat.
'The urban myth out there is that eggs are bad for your heart. It's not a total myth, but we've known that guidelines for healthy eating took out previous advice to limit dietary cholesterol, because it really didn't make a big difference in overall cholesterol. The cholesterol is in the egg yolk,' said Dr. James O'Keefe, Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute.
'As we get older, we need higher amounts of protein to maintain muscle mass. Muscle mass and physical strength are two predictors of healthy aging. It's important to maintain and build muscle mass in middle age and beyond. Eggs are an inexpensive, widely available source of protein,'O'Keefe added.
Medical experts suggest that a heavy diet of eggs should be followed only after consulting with health care providers, who will prescribe the quantity after considering individual cholesterol levels and dietary needs.
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