HONG KONG (dpa-AFX) - In Hong Kong, a 37-year-old man has been diagnosed with a rare viral infection and is currently in critical condition in intensive care. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) reported that the man had been in contact with wild monkeys and was wounded by them during a visit to Kam Shan Country Park in late February.
He was previously in good health but was admitted to Yan Chai Hospital on March 21 with a fever and decreased consciousness. After testing, it was confirmed that the man had contracted the B virus, also known as herpes simiae virus, which was found in his cerebrospinal fluid. As of April 3, he remains in critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit at Yan Chai Hospital.
The CHP has issued a warning to the public to avoid contact with wild monkeys and to seek medical attention immediately if bitten or scratched by them. Transmission typically occurs through contact with infected monkeys' bodily fluids or tissues.
While B virus infection is extremely rare, it can result in severe brain damage or death without prompt treatment. The virus is commonly found in macaque monkeys and can be transmitted to humans through bites, scratches, or exposure to contaminated materials.
Although human-to-human transmission is exceedingly rare, symptoms in humans include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and blisters. Severe cases can lead to encephalitis and potentially death.
Since 1932, there have only been 50 confirmed cases of B virus infection worldwide; this is the first recorded case in Hong Kong, with previous cases reported in the U.S., Canada, and China.
Despite its rarity, the potential severity of the infection underscores the importance of taking precautions to avoid contact with wild monkeys and seeking medical attention if exposed.
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