WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's latest report reveal that the sexually transmitted disease rates, among adults aged 55 and more in the U.S., are rising at an alarming rate.
The 2022-based statistics show that the cases of STD like chlamydia, Hepatitis C, and syphilis among the older population have increased since 2000.
The health regulator said that 5,160 cases of primary and secondary syphilis in old people were reported in 2022, compared to 3,092 cases in 2020.
In 2022, Chlamydia cases surged to 19,766 in adults aged 55 and more, from 13,774 cases in 2020, Hepatitis C cases stood at 1,041, compared to 125 cases in 2012.
Gonorrhea cases among older Americans were 18,804 in 2022, compared to 3,874 cases in 2012.
According to CDC's website, Florida was the state with highest number of HIV diagnoses among the older population in 2021, with 585 cases, followed by California with 453 cases, Texas with 358 cases, New York, Georgia, New Jersey and Illinois.
However, states like Alaska, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota and Vermont reported a lower number of cases of HIV diagnoses among adults, while Wyoming reported zero cases.
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