WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has put in place new regulations that mandate broadband providers to transparently display all pricing and performance details of their services in easily understandable labels.
While the FCC's compliance deadline for major ISPs is April 10th, smaller ISPs those with fewer than 100,000 lines, will have until October 10th to adopt the nutritional labels.
From now on, all internet service providers (ISP) are required to showcase broadband 'nutrition labels' across their plans as per the regulator's announcement. The FCC has adopted the format of food product nutrition labels to ensure that essential broadband internet service details are readily identifiable and comprehensible.
Alejandro Roark, the FCC's bureau chief for consumer and government affairs, has emphasized that these 'consumer broadband labels,' mandated by the FCC, must be accessible at the point of sale, whether online or in brick-and-mortar stores, often in both English and Spanish.
The labels are designed to facilitate consumer comparison shopping, helping them steer clear of hidden charges by outlining monthly broadband costs, introductory rates, data limits, internet speeds, and links to explore available discounts or service packages.
These labels are not only required to be visible both online and at physical outlets but will also incorporate links to information regarding the companies' network management practices and privacy policies. To aid consumers in comprehending the label content, a glossary will be provided.
FCC officials stated that they will be vigilant for any signs of non-compliance or consumer grievances, which could trigger agency inquiries or penalties. 'We will closely monitor the implementation for any potential issues,' stated an FCC official during the call.
Verizon, Google Fiber, and T-Mobile have already introduced their labels ahead of schedule.
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