Press release
Paris, 17 April 2024
The Australian Government announced today the cancellation of its third Generation Mine Warfare Program SEA-1905. This stop follows the defence programs review that redefined the equipment priorities of the Australian Defence Forces to take into account budget constraints.
Exail takes note of this decision and thanks the Australian Government for allowing it to be selected as one of the two best consortia to carry out the project. Exail will remain committed in Australia to meet the future needs of the country's armed forces with all of its unique technologies in navigation, sonars and autonomous systems for surface and underwater vehicles.
The group's commercial activity remains intense and Exail Technologies maintains its confidence in its ability to achieve its medium-term growth ambitions.
About Exail Technologies
Exail Technologies is the new name of the Gorgé Group, adopted after the transformation of the group at the end of 2022, now focused on the activities of its subsidiary Exail. Exail Technologies is an industrial company specialized in high technologies in the field of autonomous robotics with a vertical integration of the professions. The group offers complex drone systems, navigation, as well as products for aerospace and photonics. Exail Technologies delivers performance, reliability and security to its civilian and military customers operating in harsh environments and generates revenues in nearly 80 countries.
Exail Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment B (EXA).
Contacts : | ||
Investor Relations Hugo Soussan Tel. +33 (0)1 44 77 94 86 h.soussan@exail-technologies.com Anne-Pauline Petureaux Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 72 apetureaux@actus.fr | Media relations Manon Clairet Tél. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 73 mclairet@actus.fr |
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