WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - In a groundbreaking study recently published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, a team of scientists at ETH Zurich has developed a remarkable protein-based gel designed to break down alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract without causing harm to the body.
The gel is a complex combination of glucose, gold nanoparticles, and whey-protein-derived nanofibers coated with iron atoms. It can be consumed before, during, or shortly after alcohol consumption, as long as it is present in the intestinal tract while the alcohol is still being processed. The gel is engineered to be slowly digested, ensuring that it remains in the tract long enough to effectively carry out its intended function.
The process begins with the glucose and gold particles reacting in the body to produce hydrogen peroxide. This hydrogen peroxide then triggers a series of enzymatic reactions, facilitated by the iron atoms, that rapidly convert any alcohol present into acetic acid before it has the opportunity to enter the bloodstream.
While the gel presents the potential to mitigate the effects of alcohol, especially for individuals seeking to moderate their alcohol intake without complete abstinence, its efficacy is limited to the presence of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it may not be effective in cases of alcohol poisoning once alcohol has entered the bloodstream or in reducing overall alcohol consumption.
Professor Raffaele Mezzenga of ETH Zurich emphasizes that while complete abstinence from alcohol is the healthiest choice, the gel could provide a safer alternative for those who wish to enjoy alcohol without detrimental effects on their bodies.
Additionally, the research team observed a reduction in blood alcohol levels of up to 50% in mice treated with the gel, indicating its potential to shield the body from alcohol-related damage.
Although further human trials are necessary before the gel can be approved for use, the researchers are optimistic about the success of these tests and have already filed a patent application for the gel. If proven effective in humans, the gel could offer a preventive solution against hangovers and the detrimental effects associated with chronic alcohol consumption.
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