WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - New studies suggest that Ludwig van Beethoven may have suffered from lead poisoning, as researchers found high levels of lead in authenticated locks of his hair.
These elevated levels of lead, along with arsenic and mercury, might have contributed to the various health issues he faced, including his well-known deafness. The presence of these toxic metals, especially lead, is believed to have played a role in his gastrointestinal problems and deafness.
The study indicates that Beethoven's exposure to lead may have been due to factors such as his consumption of lead-contaminated wine, use of lead-containing medications, and even eating fish from a polluted river.
Although the researchers did not attribute his death solely to lead poisoning, they believe it likely worsened his ongoing health issues. The findings shed light on the potential impact of heavy metal exposure on Beethoven's health and provide valuable insights into the medical history of the renowned composer.
Despite the limitations in correlating hair lead levels to blood lead levels, the researchers took precautions to ensure the accuracy of their analysis and removal of external contaminants.
Beethoven started experiencing hearing loss in his 20s, which progressed until he was completely deaf by the time of his death at age 56 in 1827.
Furthermore, a recent DNA analysis of Beethoven's hair revealed genetic predispositions to liver disease and the presence of hepatitis B at the time of his death. These combined findings offer a more comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to Beethoven's health struggles and add depth to the ongoing exploration of his medical history.
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