WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - A recent study has unveiled an exciting new non-invasive treatment called ARC-EX therapy for spinal cord injuries that has the potential to improve the lives of patients significantly.
Developed by Onward Medical N.V. (ONWD.BR), the ARC-EX device is worn externally and uses electrodes placed on the skin near the affected area of the spinal cord.
The Up-LIFT study, conducted at 14 prominent spinal cord injury centers in the United States, Europe, and Canada, aimed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the ARC-EX System in treating upper extremity functional deficits in individuals with chronic tetraplegia.
According to Dr. Chet Moritz, the lead author of the study and a Professor at the University of Washington, participants using ARC-EX therapy showed significant improvements, with over half of the participants achieving average improvements in grasp force and pinch force within just two months. These improvements not only indicate increased strength and function but also the potential for greater independence with ARC-EX Therapy.
The study's findings suggest that combining ARC-EX therapy with traditional rehabilitation could offer substantial advantages, particularly in the acute phase of spinal cord injury. The researchers believe that the electrical stimulation provided by ARC-EX therapy can help preserved nerves transmit signals, potentially restoring some communication between the brain and paralyzed limbs.
The study results surpassed expectations, offering new hope to those with spinal cord injuries and their caregivers.
Following the successful trial outcomes, ONWARD Medical has submitted a De Novo application to the FDA for market clearance of the ARC-EX System, with European market approval expected to follow suit.
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