WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - New research published in Nature Communications journal suggests that intermittent fasting along with protein pacing results in weight loss as well as positive gut health.
The study, funded by nutrition supplement company Isagenix, was conducted on two groups of overweight or obese participants. First group followed intermittent fasting and protein pacing or IF-P, a diet where the person consumes optimal amount of protein-rich food at regular intervals throughout the day, whereas another group followed traditional calorie-restricted or CR diet.
Researchers ensured that both groups consumed the same average number of calories per week.
At the end of eight weeks, stool samples of participants were tested to find that IF-P group participants had more diverse range of microbiota compared to the other group. Also, the participants of IF-P group experienced less gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort.
On further analysis, researchers found that IF-P diet enhances the growth of positive gut bacteria such as Christensenellaceae, Rikenellaceae, and Marvinbryantia, which promote healthy metabolism. Moreover, the diet triggered changes in certain cytokines responsible for fat breakdown, weight loss, and immune function.
'This novel work provides insight into the gut microbe and metabolomic profile of participants following an IF-P or calorie-restricted diet and highlights important differences in microbial assembly associated with weight loss and body composition responsiveness,' the researchers wrote.
Notably, the study highlights the importance of gut health in weight loss, which could be achieved by proper protein intake, optimized meal timing, and periodic fasting.
'These findings shed light on the differential effects of intermittent fasting regimens, including intermittent fasting and protein pacing as a promising dietary intervention for obesity management and microbiotic and metabolic health,' the researchers concluded.
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