WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently issued a warning about a concerning outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to pet bearded dragons.
This outbreak has affected 15 individuals across nine states, leading to the hospitalization of four people. No fatalities have been reported as a result of this outbreak. The impact of this outbreak has been felt in California, Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Notably, New York has recorded the highest number of cases at four, with California and Ohio reporting two to three cases each, and at least one case in the remaining states.
The first cases of bearded-dragon-related Salmonella were reported on January 8 and continued to emerge until May 16, according to the CDC.
It's important to note that the actual number of affected individuals is likely higher than reported, as many people may recover without seeking medical assistance or undergoing specific testing for Salmonella.
A particularly concerning aspect is that 60% of those infected are children under five years old, indicating the vulnerability of this age group to the illness. Despite their seemingly friendly nature, bearded dragons can transmit Salmonella through their droppings, even if they appear healthy.
Infection can occur through direct contact with the reptile or its habitat, leading to the ingestion of the germs through contact with the mouth or food. Symptoms typically manifest within six hours to six days following exposure and may include diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. While most cases resolve within four to seven days without medical intervention, severe instances may necessitate hospitalization.
In light of these concerns, the CDC strongly recommends against keeping bearded dragons as pets for children under five, adults over 65, and individuals with weakened immune systems due to the heightened risk of severe illness from germs transmitted by reptiles.
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