Mollyroe Plc - Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December 2023
PR Newswire
LONDON, United Kingdom, June 27
27 June 2024
("Mollyroe" or the "Company")
Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December 2023
Chairman's Statement Year End 31st December 2023
In 2023 as in 2022, saw the Company focus on reducing overheads pending the adoption of a new corporate strategy.
In December the Company announced the appointments of Paul Benedict Ryan as Executive Director and Noel Lyons as Non-Executive Director to the board and the resignation of the existing Directors, Roger Shane and Richard France. The Company thanked Mr Shane and Mr France for their long and dedicated service to the Company and I reiterate that. At the same time, investors, including Paul Ryan and Noel Lyons, agreed, via Peterhouse Capital Limited, to acquire 574,621 Ordinary Shares in the Company at a price of 26.11 pence per share, equating to £150,000 in total, from the then existing Directors of the Company.
In April 2024 the Company's shareholders agreed on a name change to Mollyroe plc and a new strategy to focus on opportunities in the technology sector. The Company will focus on opportunities which would provide the Company with an economic interest (by equity, royalty or debt participation) and a controlling interest (through board or management positions) and whose potential value, over the long term, is greater than the price and costs expended by the Company to acquire them. The Company also reserved the ability to make investments outside of the technology sector, if the Directors believe that they will bring long-term value to shareholders. The Company does not propose to limit its search to any specific geographic location, however the Directors will ensure that the geographic location of any investment opportunity is suitable for institutional investment in the London market. Initially within the technology segment opportunities are likely to arise in Spatial computing and intelligent natural interfaces are the next computing paradigm which will fundamentally change human and machine interaction. We are already seeing the impact of this rapidly evolving technology across all sectors (driverless cars being the most commonly quoted example), further, the interplay between these technologies and technologies traditionally created for the games industry (including but not limited to Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine and Unity) are disrupting numerous sectors from, training, AI driven simulation, architectural visualisation and data visualisation solutions that assimilate rich and complex data into intuitive, interactive spatial simulations for more rapid and efficient analysis, insight and learning. Our focus will be on investing in technology companies or technology-enabled services companies within this rapidly developing market.
The Board has continued to reduce overheads and as a result the Company is in a good financial position as it adopts its new strategy.
The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.
Extract from the auditor's report:
Conclusions relating to going concern
"In auditing the consolidated financial statements, we have concluded that the directors' use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements is appropriate.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Group and parent company's ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at
least twelve months from when the consolidated financial statements are authorised for issue.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report."
N Lyons Chairman
The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.
Paul Ryan - Executive Director
Peterhouse Capital Limited - Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker
+ 44 (0) 20 7469 0930
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Year Ended 31st December 2023
| 2023 | 2022 |
| - | - |
Administrative expenses |
| (72,882) | (17,514) |
| (72,882) | (17,514) |
Interest receivable and similar income |
| 4,099 | 754 |
| (68,783) | (16,760) |
Tax on loss |
| - | - |
| (68,783) | (16,760) |
Loss attributable to: Owners of the parent |
(68,783) |
(16,760) |
Earnings per share expressed in pence per share: |
Basic |
| (3.49) | (0.85) |
Diluted |
| (3.49) | (0.85) |
The Group has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the Income Statement above. Consequently, no Statement of Other Comprehensive Income is presented.
Consolidated Statement of Financial Positionfor the Year Ended 31st December 2023
| 2023 | 2022 |
| 7,578 | 7,864 |
Cash at bank |
| 335,550 | 383,465 |
| 343,128 | 391,329 |
Amounts falling due within one year |
| (42,948) | (22,366) |
| 300,180 | 368,963 |
300,180 |
368,963 |
CAPITALANDRESERVES Called up share capital |
418,861 |
418,861 |
Share premium |
| 3,473 | 3,473 |
Retained earnings |
| (122,154) | (53,371) |
| 300,180 | 368,963 |
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on and were signed on its behalf by:
P Ryan - Director
N Lyon - Director
Company Statement of Financial Positionfor the Year Ended 31st December 2023
| 2023 | 2022 |
FIXEDASSETS Investments |
| 4 | 4 |
7,520 |
7,806 |
Cash at bank |
| 335,550 | 369,518 |
| 343,070 | 377,324 |
Amounts falling due within one year |
| (54,016) | (19,487) |
| 289,054 | 357,837 |
289,058 |
357,841 |
CAPITALANDRESERVES Called up share capital |
418,861 |
418,861 |
Share premium |
| 3,473 | 3,473 |
Retained earnings |
| (133,276) | (64,493) |
P Ryan - Director
N Lyon - Director
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equityfor the Year Ended 31st December 2023
| Share | Retained earnings £ | Share | Total equity £ |
Balanceat1stJanuary2022 | 418,861 | (36,611) | 3,473 | 385,723 |
Changesinequity Total comprehensive income |
- |
(16,760) |
- |
(16,760) |
Balanceat31stDecember2022 | 418,861 | (53,371) | 3,473 | 368,963 |
Changesinequity Total comprehensive income |
- |
(68,783) |
- |
(68,783) |
Balanceat31stDecember2023 | 418,861 | (122,154) | 3,473 | 300,180 |
Company Statement of Changes in Equityfor the Year Ended 31st December 2023
| Share | Retained earnings £ | Share | Total equity £ |
Balanceat1stJanuary2022 | 418,861 | (288,940) | 3,473 | 133,394 |
Changesin equity Total comprehensive income |
- |
224,447 |
- |
224,447 |
Balanceat31stDecember2022 | 418,861 | (64,493) | 3,473 | 357,841 |
Changesinequity Total comprehensive income |
- |
(68,783) |
- |
(68,783) |
Balanceat31stDecember2023 | 418,861 | (133,276) | 3,473 | 289,058 |
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the Year Ended 31st December 2023
Cash flows fromoperating activities | 2023 £ | 2022 £ |
Loss for the financial year | (68,783) | (16,760) |
Interest received | (4,099) | (754) |
Decrease/(increase) in debtors | 286 | (2,051) |
Increase/(decrease) in creditors | 20,582 | (27,844) |
Net cash used in operating activities | (52,014) | (47,409) |
Cash flows from investing activities Interest received |
4,099 |
754 |
Net cash from investing activities | 4,099 | 754 |
Decreaseincashand cashequivalents | (47,915) | (46,655) |
Cashandcashequivalentsatbeginningof year | 383,465 | 430,120 |
Cash andcashequivalentsatendofyear | 335,550 | 383,465 |