WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - RTX A/S cut its outlook for the financial year 2023/24.
The company now expects annual EBIT to be in the range of minus 40 million Danish Kroner to minus 30 million Kroner compared to the prior estimation of 5 million Kroner to 20 million Kroner.
The company now projects annual EBITDA to be break even to 10 million Kroner compared to the previous outlook of 45 million Kroner to 60 million Kroner. The company lowered its annual revenue outlook to a range of 500 million Kroner to 510 million Kroner from the prior estimation of 580 million Kroner - 630 million Kroner.
The company said it has not seen the expected growth in third-quarter revenue compared to the latest quarter, and in the third quarter the company expects revenue of 130 million Kroner. With its order book for the fourth quarter, the company has to conclude that by the end of the financial year it will not be back at the normalized level, which was the assumption for the Group's originally announced outlook for 2023/24.
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