The Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Oeneo SA was held at 11:00 am this morning at the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux.
All the resolutions on the agenda were passed by a very large majority. The AGM approved the payment of a cash dividend of €0.35 per share in respect of the 2023-2024 financial year. The ex-dividend date for the full amount has been set as October 1, 2024 and the dividend will be paid on October 3, 2024.
Regarding corporate governance, the AGM renewed the terms of office of the following directors for three years: Nicolas Heriard Dubreuil et Elie Heriard Dubreuil. The Board of Directors, which re-elected Nicolas Heriard Dubreuil as Chairman, remains unchanged, with 9 directors, including 4 women, and 3 non-voting directors. Three of the nine directors are independent.
The results of the votes will be made available over the coming days online at: https://oeneo.com/en/investors/.
Oeneo Group will publish its turnover for the first half of 2024-2025 on November 4, 2024.
About OENEO Group
Oeneo Group is a major wine industry player with high-end and innovative brands. Present around the world, the Group covers each stage in the winemaking process through two core and complementary divisions:
- Closures, involving the manufacture and sale of cork closures, including high value-added technological closures under the Diam, Mytik Diam and Setop brands.
- Winemaking, providing high-end solutions in winemaking and spirits for leading market players through its cooperage brands Seguin Moreau, Boisé, Millet, Fine Northern Oak and Galileo, and developing innovative solutions for the wine industry with Vivelys (R&D, consulting, systems).
We are passionate about the art and culture of wine, conscious of the urgent environmental and societal challenges facing our world, and firmly believe that enlightened innovation must serve the common good. We want to use our strengths and expertise to serve the wine industry's sustainable development as we innovate to uphold the great history of wine.
Oeneo | Actus Finance | |
Philippe Doray Chief Administrative and Financial Officer +33 (0)5 48 17 25 29 | Guillaume Le Floch Analysts - Investors +33 (0)1 53 67 36 70 | Fatou-Kiné N'Diaye Press - Media +33 (0) 1 53 67 36 34 |
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