On July 24, 2024, the Supervisory Committee of the Bank of Latvia decided to permit the Joint Stock Company "Latvijas Gaze", registration No.: 40003000642, legal address: 6 Aristida Briana Street, Riga, LV-1001 (hereinafter - the Company), to make a share buyback offer to the Company's shareholders in connection with the delisting of the Company's shares from the regulated market (hereinafter - the Offer).
Having regard to the date of publication of the Offer prospectus on the website of the regulated market operator Joint Stock Company "Nasdaq Riga" (July 24, 2024), the Offer ended on August 7, 2024.
In compliance with the conditions of the first part of Article 32 of the Share Buyback Law and based on the information provided by Nasdaq CSD SE, registration number: 40003242879, legal address: 1 Valnu Street, Riga, LV-1050, the Company hereby advises the Bank of Latvia, the regulated market operator Joint Stock Company "Nasdaq Riga" and the Company of the results of the Offer:
1. The name, registration number, legal address and website of the company:
Joint Stock Company "Latvijas Gaze", registration number: 40003000642, legal address: 6 Aristida Briana Street, Riga, LV-1001, Latvia, website: https://www.lg.lv/.
2. Information about the offerer:
Under Section 14 Paragraph two of the Share Buyback Law (hereinafter - the Law), the Joint Stock Company "Latvijas Gaze", registration number: 40003000642, legal address: 6 Aristida Briana Street, Riga, LV-1001, Latvia (hereinafter - the Offerer), has been approved as the person who shall offer the Company's shareholders to buy back their shares in the Company.
3. The number of shares offered for sale:
4. The total number of shares and quantity of voting rights held by the Offerer after the end of the Offer:
5,553 shares, but the voting rights of these shares cannot be exercised by virtue of Section 240 Paragraph seven of the Commercial Law.
The Board of the JSC "Latvijas Gaze"
About the JSC "Latvijas Gaze"
Founded in 1991, the JSC "Latvijas Gaze" is one of the leaders of the Baltic energy sector and provides the wholesale and sale of natural gas to business customers in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. In the household segment, the JSC "Latvijas Gaze" is the largest and most prominent natural gas trader in Latvia.?The company has been listed on the NASDAQ Riga stock exchange since February 15, 1999 - a proof of high standards in terms of transparent governance, responsibility and care for its customers, investors, and the society as a whole.
Further information:
Sandra Joksta
phone + 371 67 374 369