16.9.2024 16:00:00 CEST | Hove A/S | Chang. board/management/certified advisors
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 44 - 2024 | 16-09-2024
Hove has appointed Bent Faurskov as new CFO from the 1st of November 2024, when he will join the company's management.
Bent Faurskov is an experienced CFO with more than 20 years of experience from international, listed manufacturing and distribution companies. He comes from a position as CFO in the Danish manufacturing company LED iBond, which is listed on First North, and previously held similar positions in Chemometec, Agillic and Dalhoff Larsen & Horneman.
The management of Hove is looking forward to having Bent Faurskov on board so that he, together with the rest of the management team, can contribute to continuing the positive development that Hove has achieved in recent years.
Hove A/S:
Herstedøstervej 7
DK - 2600 Glostrup
CVR-nummer: 25804821
Hjemmeside www.hove-as.com
Hans Christian Hansen
CEO Hove A/S
Email: hc@hove-as.dk
Certified adviser
Norden CEF A/S