BoMill AB has received an order for BoMill InSight worth EUR 340,000, from a leading German flour mill.
The company is a German flour mill, producing flour for the food industry, such as bakeries.
The value of the order is EUR 340,000 and includes the supply and installation of BoMill InSight. The delivery is scheduled for Q4 2024.
This press release contains inside information that BoMill AB (publ) is required to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication on September 18, 2024, at 08:45 CET.
For more information about BoMill, please contact:
Andreas Jeppsson, CEO - Phone: +46 (0)727 00 11 82 -E-mail: andreas.jeppsson@bomill.com
BoMill has developed and markets a patented technology for sorting grain on a commercial scale, based on the internal qualities of each kernel. The method is the only one of its kind on the market today and is estimated to have the potential to become a Golden Standard within the industry.
The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North Growth Market under the ticker: BOMILL.
Certified Adviser: Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB - www.skmg.se
For more information about BoMill, please visit www.bomill.com