Company Announcement no. 05-2024
Copenhagen, September 19, 2024
Swiss Properties Invest publishes half yearly report after another positive semester
On June 1, 2024, Swiss Properties Invest acquired another commercial property, and the Company's portfolio now consists of nine properties, which have been bought at attractive prices and initial yields in line with the Company's acquisition criteria.
Currently, management expects annualized rental income from the nine properties being approximately 50 % higher than what was anticipated for 2024 in the IPO budget and the portfolio value as of end June 2024 is DKK 672m in comparison to forecasted DKK 543m in the IPO budget for the year.
In addition, the Swiss National Bank has cut the interest rate twice during the first half year of 2024, and since financial costs are the Company's biggest expense, this is expected to positively impact the financial performance of the Company.
In other words, the business is doing really well and the management team is very confident that Swiss Properties Invest will deliver on the IPO promises of a return on investment of at least 100 % after 10 years and 300 % after 20 years.
H1 2024 Financial highlights
- The group revenue reached DKK 16.8m compared to DKK 14.4m for H1 2023.
- The group operating profit reached DKK 11.4m compared to DKK 7.7m for H1 2023.
- Profit after tax for the group reached DKK 6.0m compared to DKK 4.4m during H1 2023.
The full interim report for H1 2024 is attached.
Swiss Properties Invest, which was founded on 8 October 2021, is the Danish holding company of the wholly owned subsidiary Swiss Properties Invest AG (CHE-422,631,240), which was founded on 30 November 2021. The purpose of Swiss Properties Invest AG is to own, operate, optimize, and develop a portfolio of attractive commercial properties for renting out commercial space in selected regions (cantons) in Switzerland with the aim of creating shareholder value to its investors.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S
Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO
Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52
E-mail kirsten@swisspropertiesinvest.dk
Schleppegrellsgade 8
2200 Copenhagen N
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310),
Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1.,
DK-2500 Valby,
tlf. +45 3345 1000