Montigny Le Bretonneux, September 23, 2024
The Board of Directors of DOLFINES decided, on September 16, 2024, to implement the reverse split of shares by 5,000, as approved by the Company's shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting on September 16, 2024.
In a notice published in the BALO on September 20, 2024, EURONEXT indicates that the consolidation will be carried out on November 6, 2024 by mandatory exchange of old shares (ISIN code FR0014004QZ9) for new shares (ISIN code FR001400SP13), at the rate of 1 new share with a nominal value of €1.4 for 5,000 old shares with a nominal value of €0.00028.
The number of ordinary shares making up the Company's share capital, and admitted to trading on EURONEXT GROWTH PARIS, is thus increased from 2,959,713,293 to 591,942.
Shareholders who do not hold a number of old shares corresponding to a multiple of 5,000 will have to make it their personal business to buy or sell the shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.00028, it being specified that these old shares will cease to be listed on November 6, 2024 and will therefore be replaced by the new shares thus consolidated.
Societe Generale Securities Services will centralise the consolidation operations.
About Dolfines: www.dolfines.com
Founded in 2000, DOLFINES is an independent specialist in engineering and services in the renewable and conventional energy industry. Faced with the challenges of decarbonizing the energy sector and capitalizing on its strong expertise, DOLFINES wants to play a key role in this energy transition by designing and providing innovative services and solutions for the exploitation of renewable energy sources onshore and offshore, above and below sea level. Respecting the highest standards of quality and safety, DOLFINES is labelled an innovative company certified ISO 9001 for its technical assistance, auditing, inspection and engineering activities.
Euronext Growth TM
DOLFINES is listed on Euronext GrowthTM - Code ISIN: FR0014004QZ9 - Mnémo: ALDOL DOLFINES is éligible to PEA-PME
Contacts: Delphine Bardelet Guejo, CFO - delphine.bardelet@dolfines.com
Disclaimer: This document contains forward-looking information. These are likely to be affected by factors, known and unknown, that are difficult to predict and beyond the control of DOLFINES, which may cause results to differ materially from the outlook expressed, implied or predicted by the Company's statements.
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