Climate transformation depends on many factors. On the one hand, countries worldwide must agree on a common approach, and on the other hand, guidelines and standards are needed within which people and the economy can operate. A few years back, a tradable price for "pollution rights" was created through climate certificates. The price for avoiding one ton of CO2 is around EUR 65, but it differs from region to region. In the current situation, the price is expected to rise explosively as the days approach when governments have finalized their "Net Zero" strategies. Those who do not make it within the required time frame must purchase on the market accordingly. The Canadian company dynaCERT has technologies for reducing CO2 emissions and knows what is at stake in this billion-dollar market. As part of the internationally increasingly important hydrogen economy, dynaCERT achieves significant emission reductions with a patented technology in combustion processes. With the recent certification by the international institute VERRA, customers will now receive tradable emission certificates. The attractiveness of a rapid implementation is now in place, which could mean a multiplication of revenues for dynaCERT. The race starts now!Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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