WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - CenterPoint Energy announced an agreement to work with Technosylva to utilize predictive analytics and artificial intelligence to better prepare CenterPoint's assets in extreme weather prone regions.
The two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding enabling CenterPoint to leverage Technosylva's leading extreme weather risk predictive analytics and mitigation solutions throughout CenterPoint's entire network and will focus on an all-weather hazards approach.
The collaboration is part of CenterPoint's $21 billion commitment over the next five years to electric and natural gas resilience initiatives, including improved reliability and system modernization.
Technosylva's risk monitoring platform combines high-resolution modeling, predictive analytics, and real-time data to provide actionable insights into extreme weather events and threats to network assets. The software runs hundreds of millions of extreme weather simulations each day, delivering real-time and near-term risk forecasts. This enables customers to anticipate potential risks, identify areas of concern, and take proactive measures to minimize outages.
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