On May 4, 2020, the shares and warrants in H&D Wireless Sweden Holding AB (publ) (the "Company") were given observation status with reference to material adverse uncertainty in respect of the issuer's financial position. Yesterday, on October 9, 2024, the Company disclosed a press release with information that in light of the bankruptcies in the Company's subsidiaries, the Company has decided to prepare a balance sheet for liquidation purposes (Sw. kontrollbalansräkning). The rules of First North Growth Market state that a listed company can be given observation status if there is material adverse uncertainty in respect of the issuer's financial position and if any other circumstance exists that results in a substantial uncertainty regarding the issuer or the pricing of its financial instruments. With reference to the above, Nasdaq Stockholm AB decides to update the observation status for the shares of class B (HDW B, ISIN code SE0009889405, orderbook ID 147691) and warrants (HDW TO4 B, ISIN code SE0020552263, orderbook ID 305033) in H&D Wireless Sweden Holding AB (publ). For further information about this exchange notice please contact Enforcement & Investigations, telephone +46 8 405 70 50.
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