Additionally, the direct controlling shareholder of CETIN Group, PPF Telecom Group B.V. ("PPF Telecom"), announced today the completion of the sale of its entire 70% stake in CETIN Group to PPF Telecom's immediate parent company, PPF TMT Holdco 2 B.V.
The sales described above are interim steps in a series of steps leading to the completion of the previously announced transaction between CETIN Group's indirect controlling shareholder, PPF Group N.V. ("PPF"), and Emirates Telecommunication Group Company ("e&") announced by CETIN Group on 1 August 2023.
For more information, please see also the initial announcement by CETIN Group of 1 August 2023.
For further enquiries, contact:
CETIN Group N.V.
Investor Relations
Strawinskylaan 933
1077XX Amsterdam The Netherlands
Tel: +420 224 174 835
E-mail: ir@cetin.eu
This communication contains inside information as defined in article 7(1) of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation).
This document is available online at https://www.cetin.eu/for-investors
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