Tallinn, Estonia, 2024-11-04 10:15 CET -- Nasdaq Tallinn decided on November 4, 2024 to change the grounds of watch notation applied for PRFoods (PRF1T, ISIN code: EE3100101031; PRFB062525A, ISIN code: EE3300001577). 1. The observation status applied on November 1, 2024 is removed due to Accounting Act § 20 (3), on which basis the Issuer takes guidance from the adjusted unconsolidated owners' equity upon calculating compliance with the requirements established for the owners' equity in the Commercial Code. The Issuer's adjusted unconsolidated owners' equity is in compliance with the provisions of the Commercial Code; 2. PRFoods Securities are applied an additional reason for observation status based on the clause of chapter Supervision of the rules and regulations (Supervision rules). Based on the announcement made by the Issuer on October 31, 2024, the Management plans to restructure the liabilities. The restructuring plan will be presented to bondholders within the fourth quarter of this calendar year. The purpose of applying observation status is to alert market participants. Nasdaq Baltic Issuer Services +372 640 8800 www.nasdaqbaltic.com Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by Nasdaq companies in the Baltic states, i.e. Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius.
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