WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - As of November 29, atleast 66 people have been infected and 15 people have died from an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, raising concerns among global health officials about the spread of the virus.
Marburg virus disease, also known as bleeding eye disease, poses a grave threat, often resulting in severe illness and fatalities and currently lacks any approved vaccine or specific treatment.
Marburg virus, a highly contagious and lethal illness is similar to Ebola. It causes persistent bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth, can be fatal in most of the cases.
After up to five days of fever, patients begun to suffer damage to their blood vessels, which can cause internal bleeding, psychological symptoms such as confusion and aggression, as per The Independent.
The disease was first identified in Germany in 1967 and is transmitted to humans from infected animals, primarily fruit bats. It spreads among people through direct contact with the bodily fluids of those infected.
However, the Rwandan health authorities have noted a decline in cases, as no new cases were reported in the last 28 days, and the last patient was discharged from the hospital before 22 days.
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